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Mutliplayer Settings

1. General

Show advanced options

If enabled, you will see all multiplayer settings

If disabled, you will see only basic multiplayer settings

Enable config cloning protection

If enabled, your spawned vehicle config will be protected from other players saving it

If disabled, your spawned vehicle config can be saved by other players

Disable pausing caused by instabilities

If enabled, physics instabilities will not cause your game to pause

If disabled, physics instabilities will cause your game to pause

Its advised to leave disabled, since repeated instabilities can cause the game to crash

Use simplified vehicles when available

If enabled, the game will replace vehicles of other players with their simplified versions (from AI traffic) if available

If disabled, the game will use the intended vehicle models

New chat menu

If enabled, the ingame chat will be displayed in an IMGUI window, that for example can be dragged out of the game onto another monitor

If disabled, the ingame chat will be displayed in the UI app

Dragging IMGUI windows out of the main game window can cause performance issues, as well as trick screen recording software into recording the chat window instead of the main game window

Enable vehicle position smoothing

If enabled, beamMP will use an algorithm to smooth vehicle position updates to regular intervalls. Can be beneficial between players with high ping or when a connection experiences a high package drop rate

If disabled, beamMP will update vehicle locations as they are received

Skip the mod security warning popusp

If enabled, the mod security popup will not be shown when trying to connect to a server with mods

If disabled, the mod security popup will be shown whenever you connect to a server with mods

Enable player vehicle update/edit queuing

If enabled, other players vehicle spawns and edits will be put into a queue. See the section 2. Event queue for further details

If disabled, other players vehicle spawns and edits will be loaded by the game instantly

Enable automatic part sync

If enabled, your vehicles parts will automatically be synced to other players after a few seconds

If disbaled, you need to click the part sync button in the part picker in order to send a sync out to other players

Disable switching to other players vehicles

If enabled, tabbing trough vehicles will skip other players vehicles

If disabled, tabbing trough vehicles will cycle over every spawned vehicle

Fade out vehicles as they get closer

If enabled, other vehicles will fade out as they get closer

If disbaled, other vehicles will stay fully visible regardless of distance

This only affects the visible 3d mesh of a vehicle, not its physics node-beam-mesh. In order to also disable physics, you need to enable Simplified collision physics in the Gameplay settings

Show the player ID`s

If enabled, the ingame playerlist will have an additional row showing each players ID. Useful for development or moderation

If disabled, the ingame playerlist will only show the rows for playername and ping

Allow the serverlist to refresh ingame

If enabled, the serverlist will update in regular intervalls while playing. This can cause lag spikes

If disabled, the serverlist will only update once you open the main menu

2. Event queue

Highlight queued players

If enabled, players with a queued event will be highlighted in the ingame playerlist

If disabled, players will not be individually highlighted

Apply vehicle changes with

If set to Left mouse button, clicking on a players name in the playerlist using the left mouse button will load the queued events. Clicking with the right mouse button will spectate said player

If set to Right mouse button, clicking on a players name in the playerlist using the right mouse button will load the queued events. Clicking with the left mouse button will spectate said player

Automatically apply queued vehicle changes

If enabled, the queued events will be automatically loaded once you've been going under the speed treshold for the amount of time set as the timeout

If disabled, the queued events will only load manually, by clicking on either the Events button at the top of the screen or on a players name in the playerlist

Queue apply speed treshold

This setpoint defines the speed treshold of the automatic event queue loading. Your vehicle has to be slower than this for longer than Queue apply timeout in order to load the queued events

Queue apply timeout

This setpoint defines the time delay of the automatic event queue loading. Your vehicle has to be slower than Queue apply speed treshold for this time in order to load the queued events

Skip queue if spectating others

If enabled, an event will instantly load if you are spectating another player

If disabled, an event will be queued just like it would when focused on your own vehicle

Don't queue Unicycles (Snowmen/Beamlings)

If enabled, an event concerning a snowmen/beamling will be loaded instantly

If disabled, snowmen/beamlings will be queued just like other vehicles

3. Set default Unicycle

Default Unicycle config

This setpoint defines the unicycle variant to be loaded by default. You can choose between premade configs and your own should you have saved custom unicycle configs

Automatically save your last used Unicycle

If enabled, your last used unicycle will be automatically saved and reloaded once you spawn it again

If disabled, your default unicycle config will spawn every time

4. Blobs

Enable blobs for unspawned vehicles

If enabled, you will see a placeholder orb, or blob, in place of an unspawned vehicle

If disabled, an unspawned vehicle will be invisible

Tune colors

If enabled, a blob will be drawn, using the color below

If disabled, no blob will be drawn for the specified function

RGB HEX values

Queued vehicle: The color a blob will use if a vehicle is queued for spawning. Standard value #FF6400

Illegal vehicle: The color a blob will use if a vehicle is illegal, for example trough a mod that was sideloaded. Standard value #000000

Deleted vehicle: The color a blob will use if a vehicle was deleted by the user. Standard value #333333

5. Nametags

Hide player nametags

If enabled, player nametags will not be drawn

If disabled, player nametags will be drawn according to their vehicles relative position

Show distance from other players

If enabled, the nametag will be prepended by the distance to the respective vehicle

If disabled, no additional distance will be shown in the nametag

Fade nametags in/out

If enabled, a nametag will be faded in/out according to Fade distance and Invert nametag fade direction

If disabled, anametag will be drawn at standard opacity regardless of distance to the respective vehicle

Fade distance/Invert nametag fade direction

Fade out

Nametags are getting less visible the further away a player is

Fade distance defines the distance at which a nametag will be drawn at minimal opacity

Fade in

Nametags are getting more visible the further away a player is

Fade distance defines the distance at which a nametag will be drawn at maximal opacity

Don't fully hide nametags

If enabled, a nametag can not get fully invisible, it will retain a minimal opacity regardless of distance

If disabled, nametags can get fully invisble

Shorten nametag and role tags

If enabled, Nametag length limit will truncate nametags and roles to the set limit of characters

If disabled, nametag and role tags will be shown at full length

Show spectators' nametag under vehicle nametags

If enabled, a spectators name will be added underneath a players nametag

If disabled, no spectator names will be added to nametags

Same color for spectator nametags

If enabled, a spectators name will always be surrounded by a grey background

If disabled, a spectators name will be surrounded by a colored background, reflecting the spectators role

6. Others

Show network activity in the console

If enabled, the beamMP network activity will be shown in the console

If disabled, no further network activity will be shown in the console

Be careful with this setting, since all the console output gets also written into the log files

They can grow by hundreds of MB in minutes with this setting enabled

Launcher port

This setpoint defines the port used for communicating with the launcher

Should only be changed if the standard port 4444 can not be used

Dont forget to also change it on the launcher side, by modifying launcher.cfg

The port specified is only the first of two, the second port being used is directly following, set port + 1

The first port carries core network pakets, the second game network pakets, both over TCP