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Lua Code Snippets
Drawing a marker & Vehicle detection
Drawing markers in the map can be one of the best ways to indicate to the user that there is some form of interaction that they can do there.
Drawing a marker is fairly easy. Here is an example of how the bus route marker is drawn:
local function createBusMarker(markerName)
local marker = createObject('TSStatic')
marker:setField('shapeName', 0, "art/shapes/interface/position_marker.dae")
marker:setPosition(vec3(0, 0, 0))
marker.scale = vec3(1, 1, 1)
marker:setField('rotation', 0, '1 0 0 0')
marker.useInstanceRenderData = true
marker:setField('instanceColor', 0, '1 1 1 0')
marker:setField('collisionType', 0, "Collision Mesh")
marker:setField('decalType', 0, "Collision Mesh")
marker:setField('playAmbient', 0, "1")
marker:setField('allowPlayerStep', 0, "1")
marker:setField('canSave', 0, "0")
marker:setField('canSaveDynamicFields', 0, "1")
marker:setField('renderNormals', 0, "0")
marker:setField('meshCulling', 0, "0")
marker:setField('originSort', 0, "0")
marker:setField('forceDetail', 0, "-1")
marker.canSave = false
return marker
-- this can then be called in a loop to setup your markers.
-- NOTE: You should only do this once as part of your setup and not called on each frame.
if #markers == 0 then
for k,v in pairs(nameMarkers) do
local mk = scenetree.findObject(v)
if mk == nil then
log('I', logTag,'Creating marker '..tostring(v))
mk = createBusMarker(v)
table.insert(markers, mk)
Here is a custom marker example from BeamNG-FuelStations:
local stations = [
{ "location": [ -778.813, 485.973, 23.46 ], "type":"gas" },
{ "location": [ 617.164, -192.107, 53.2 ], "type":"ev" },
local function IsEntityInsideArea(pos1, pos2, radius)
return pos1:distance(pos2) < radius
local onUpdate = function (dt)
for k, spot in pairs(stations) do -- loop through all spots on the current map
local bottomPos = vec3(spot.location[1], spot.location[2], spot.location[3])
local topPos = bottomPos + vec3(0,0,2) -- offset vec to get top position (2m tall)
local spotInRange = false -- is this spot in range? used for color
local spotCompatible = false -- is this spot compatible?
if activeVeh then -- we have a car and its ours (if in mp)
local vehPos = activeVeh:getPosition()
spotInRange = IsEntityInsideArea(vec3(vehPos.x, vehPos.y,vehPos.z), bottomPos, 1.5)
spotCompatible = activeFuelType == "any" or spot.type == "any" or activeFuelType == spot.type
local spotColor = (spotInRange and spotCompatible) and activeColorMap[spot.type] or inactiveColorMap[spot.type] or ColorF(1,1,1,0.5)
debugDrawer:drawCylinder(bottomPos:toPoint3F(), topPos:toPoint3F(), 1, spotColor) --bottom, top, radius, color
guihooks examples
Toast Notifications, Top right of screen
--guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type, title, msg, config = {timeOut}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "info", title = "Info Message:", msg = "Info Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "warning", title = "Warning Message:", msg = "Warning Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "error", title = "Error Message:", msg = "Error Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
Message notifications, top left of screen by default in Messages app
--guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg, ttl, category, icon}) --requires Messages app
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "arrow_upward", icon = "arrow_upward"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "arrow_downward", icon = "arrow_downward"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "flag", icon = "flag"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "check", icon = "check"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "check_circle", icon = "check_circle"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "warning", icon = "warning"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "error", icon = "error"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "directions_car", icon = "directions_car"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "star", icon = "star"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "timeline", icon = "timeline"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "save", icon = "save"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "settings", icon = "settings"})
Center large or small display flash
--guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{msg, ttl, sound, big}} ) -- requires RaceCountdown ui app
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Message", 5.0, 0, true}} )
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Message Text Here", 5.0, 0, false}} )
--countdown example, when all executed at once, the items are queued and will follow eachother after the previous ttl expires
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"3", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown1')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"2", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown2')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"1", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown3')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"GO!", 3.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_CountdownGo')", true}})
--another sound example
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Teleported!", 3.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Checkpoint')", false}})
Center mid-size persistent display
--guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = msg} ) -- requires Race Realtime Display ui app
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = "Message Text Here"} )
--these messages persist, clear with a blank string
--if you are running live data, this is a good one to update rapidly (think timers, distance calcs, et cetera)
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = ""} )