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Welcome to BeamMP Docs! 🎉

Welcome to the new and improved documentation hub for BeamMP! Whether you're a player, server owner, or developer, we have the resources you need to enhance your multiplayer experience.

For Players

New to BeamMP? Check out our Getting Started page to help you hit the road running and make the most out of your multiplayer adventures. For general questions and issues please check out the Players FAQ.

For Server Owners

Thinking about creating your own BeamMP server? Our comprehensive guide here will walk you through the process, ensuring you have all the tools and knowledge to set up your server efficiently.

For Developers

Discover the ins and outs of creating resources for the BeamMP Server in our Resource Development Guide.

Exciting updates are on the horizon, including a brand-new homepage designed to enhance your browsing experience. Stay tuned for more! 🙂