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Creare un indicatore & rilevare un veicolo
Creare un indicatore (o marker) sulla mappa è uno dei modi migliori per far capire all'utente che può interagire con qualcosa in quel punto.
Creare un indicatore è relativamente semplice. Di seguito c'è un esempio di come è creato un indicatore per il percorso dei bus:
local function createBusMarker(markerName)
local marker = createObject('TSStatic')
marker:setField('shapeName', 0, "art/shapes/interface/position_marker.dae")
marker:setPosition(vec3(0, 0, 0))
marker.scale = vec3(1, 1, 1)
marker:setField('rotation', 0, '1 0 0 0')
marker.useInstanceRenderData = true
marker:setField('instanceColor', 0, '1 1 1 0')
marker:setField('collisionType', 0, "Collision Mesh")
marker:setField('decalType', 0, "Collision Mesh")
marker:setField('playAmbient', 0, "1")
marker:setField('allowPlayerStep', 0, "1")
marker:setField('canSave', 0, "0")
marker:setField('canSaveDynamicFields', 0, "1")
marker:setField('renderNormals', 0, "0")
marker:setField('meshCulling', 0, "0")
marker:setField('originSort', 0, "0")
marker:setField('forceDetail', 0, "-1")
marker.canSave = false
return marker
-- this can then be called in a loop to setup your markers.
-- NOTE: You should only do this once as part of your setup and not called on each frame.
if #markers == 0 then
for k,v in pairs(nameMarkers) do
local mk = scenetree.findObject(v)
if mk == nil then
log('I', logTag,'Creating marker '..tostring(v))
mk = createBusMarker(v)
table.insert(markers, mk)
Di seguito un esempio di indicatore personalizzato preso da BeamNG-FuelStations:
local stations = [
{ "location": [ -778.813, 485.973, 23.46 ], "type":"gas" },
{ "location": [ 617.164, -192.107, 53.2 ], "type":"ev" },
local function IsEntityInsideArea(pos1, pos2, radius)
return pos1:distance(pos2) < radius
local onUpdate = function (dt)
for k, spot in pairs(stations) do -- loop through all spots on the current map
local bottomPos = vec3(spot.location[1], spot.location[2], spot.location[3])
local topPos = bottomPos + vec3(0,0,2) -- offset vec to get top position (2m tall)
local spotInRange = false -- is this spot in range? used for color
local spotCompatible = false -- is this spot compatible?
if activeVeh then -- we have a car and its ours (if in mp)
local vehPos = activeVeh:getPosition()
spotInRange = IsEntityInsideArea(vec3(vehPos.x, vehPos.y,vehPos.z), bottomPos, 1.5)
spotCompatible = activeFuelType == "any" or spot.type == "any" or activeFuelType == spot.type
local spotColor = (spotInRange and spotCompatible) and activeColorMap[spot.type] or inactiveColorMap[spot.type] or ColorF(1,1,1,0.5)
debugDrawer:drawCylinder(bottomPos:toPoint3F(), topPos:toPoint3F(), 1, spotColor) --bottom, top, radius, color
Esempi guihook
Notifiche Toast, in alto a destra dello schermo
--guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type, title, msg, config = {timeOut}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "info", title = "Info Message:", msg = "Info Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "warning", title = "Warning Message:", msg = "Warning Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
guihooks.trigger('toastrMsg', {type = "error", title = "Error Message:", msg = "Error Message Text Here", config = {timeOut = 5000}})
Notifiche come messaggi, in alto a sinistra dello schermo di norma nell'app Messages
--guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg, ttl, category, icon}) --requires Messages app
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "arrow_upward", icon = "arrow_upward"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "arrow_downward", icon = "arrow_downward"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "flag", icon = "flag"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "check", icon = "check"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "check_circle", icon = "check_circle"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "warning", icon = "warning"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "error", icon = "error"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "directions_car", icon = "directions_car"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "star", icon = "star"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "timeline", icon = "timeline"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "save", icon = "save"})
guihooks.trigger('Message', {msg = "Message Text Here", ttl = 5.0, category = "settings", icon = "settings"})
Messaggio centrale temporaneo grande o piccolo
--guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{msg, ttl, sound, big}} ) -- requires RaceCountdown ui app
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Message", 5.0, 0, true}} )
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Message Text Here", 5.0, 0, false}} )
--countdown example, when all executed at once, the items are queued and will follow eachother after the previous ttl expires
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"3", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown1')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"2", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown2')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"1", 1.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Countdown3')", true}})
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"GO!", 3.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_CountdownGo')", true}})
--another sound example
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioFlashMessage', {{"Teleported!", 3.0, "Engine.Audio.playOnce('AudioGui', 'event:UI_Checkpoint')", false}})
Messaggio centrale persistente
--guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = msg} ) -- requires Race Realtime Display ui app
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = "Message Text Here"} )
--these messages persist, clear with a blank string
--if you are running live data, this is a good one to update rapidly (think timers, distance calcs, et cetera)
guihooks.trigger('ScenarioRealtimeDisplay', {msg = ""} )